Getting Start
Basic Concepts
TensorSpace Converter
Model Preprocessing
Merge Function
Create an Input layer. RGBInput is used for the rgb image format input.
Based on whether TensorSpace Model load a pre-trained model before initialization, configure Layer in different ways. Checkout Layer Configuration documentation for more information about the basic configuration rules.
〔Case 1〕If TensorSpace Model has loaded a pre-trained model before initialization, there is no need to configure network model related parameters.
〔Case 2〕If there is no pre-trained model before initialization, it is required to configure network model related parameters.
TSP.layers.RGBInput( { shape : [ Int, Int, 3 ] } );
Fig. 1 - RGBInput layer close and open





Usage Notes and Examples


Int[] Output shape,
Network Model Related
dataFormat is channel last. For example, shape = [ 224, 224, 3 ] represents 3 feature maps and each one is 224 by 224.


String Name of the layer For example, name: "layerName"
In Sequential Model: Highly recommend to add a name attribute to make it easier to get Layer object from model.
In Functional Model: It is required to configure name attribute for TensorSpace Layer, and the name should be the same as the name of corresponding Layer in pre-trained model.


Color Format Color of layer RGBInput's default color is #EEEEEE


Dict Close button appearance control dict. More about close button

display: Bool. true[default] Show button, false Hide button

ratio: Int. Times to close button's normal size, default is 1, for example, set ratio to be 2, close button will become twice the normal size


String Layer initial status. Open or Close. More about Layer initial Status close[default]: Closed at beginning,
open: Open at beginning


Int The speed of open and close animation For example, animeTime: 2000
means the animation time will last 2 seconds.
Note: Configure animeTime in a specific layer will override model's animeTime configuration.
.outputShape : Int[]
filter_center_focusThe shape of output tensor is 3-dimensional. 3️⃣
filter_center_focusThe shape of output tensor is 3-dimensional. For example outputShape = [ 224, 224, 3 ] represents 3 feature maps and each one is 224 by 224.
filter_center_focusAfter model.init() data is available, otherwise is undefined.
.neuralValue : Float[]
filter_center_focusThe intermediate raw data after this layer.
filter_center_focusAfter load and model.predict() data is available, otherwise is undefined.
.name : String
filter_center_focusThe customized name of this layer.
filter_center_focusOnce created, you can get it.
.layerType : String
filter_center_focusType of this layer, return a constant: string RGBInput.
filter_center_focusOnce created, you can get it.
.openLayer() : void
filter_center_focus Open Layer, if layer is already in "open" status, the layer will keep open.
filter_center_focus See Layer Status for more details.
filter_center_focus Close Layer, if layer is already in "close" status, the layer will keep close.
filter_center_focus See Layer Status for more details.
filter_center_focus If TensorSpace Model load a pre-trained model before initialization, there is no need to configure network model related parameters.
let inputLayer = new TSP.layers.RGBInput( {

    // Recommend Configuration. Required for TensorSpace Functional Model.
    name: "RGBInput1",
    // Optional Configuration.
    initStatus: "open"

} );
filter_center_focus If there is no pre-trained model before initialization, it is required to configure network model related parameters.
let inputLayer = new TSP.layers.RGBInput( {

    // Required network model related Configuration.
    shape: [ 224, 224, 3 ],
    // Recommend Configuration. Required for TensorSpace Functional Model.
    name: "RGBInput2",
    // Optional Configuration.
    initStatus: "open"

} );
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